Join our mother-daughter trip to the UK starting here!

Exploring London and Spirited Away

We spent the day meandering through London catching glimpses of Buckingham Palace, historic statues and buildings, and St. James’s Park (where we had ‘99’ ice cream with a flake). We went to Notting Hill and bought the most delicious navel oranges in the street market. We took pictures in front of the blue door (from the movie) and had bubble tea on the walk back.

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Earl’s Court and Kings Cross

We found Earl’s Court to be the nearest Underground station. It was an easy walk from the hotel and surrounded by good food and shops. We had lunch at Nando’s and hopped over to King Cross to take photos at Platform 9 ¾, then on to Piccadilly Square. (Another photo opportunity with sites from Bridgette Jones and Bend it like Beckham.) 

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Arriving in London

London called! We answered! When we arrived in London, we were told we had no room because we should have checked in earlier. After a few phone calls that was sorted and we stayed on the top floor of a lovely boutique hotel. We spent the remainder of the day getting our bearings and walking through the city center.

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