Murrells Inlet, SC

Published on 15 February 2023 at 13:06

Boobs & Booze 2.0 (aka Girls Trip #2)

In February of 2023, we took our second all-girls family road trip to Murrells Inlet, SC. This trip was closer to home and a time to celebrate Caroline’s birthday and annual visit from Korea.

We drove separate cars and met at a beautiful beachfront house named "Blue Wave" which I loved because, well, it was blue. It was also huge, comfortable, and had a deck and walkway to the beach. The colors in the sky were more beautiful than a painting. Perfect. 

Blue Wave

Mimosas all around!

Our first evening we went to Dead Dog Saloon, where my sister joined us. The saloon was covered in photos of dogs, and one of the girls said we should bring a pet dog photo. Until we discovered the name of the saloon was literal - all photos were of dogs that had crossed the rainbow bridge. Yikes. Sweet and sad. The food was delicious and the live music was good, although we were almost done when I realized there was a live band outside. Too much wine? I think not. 

Me, Aunt Dana, Caroline's best friend Brittany, Caroline, Sherry, Michelle, and Courtney

We started each morning with a different treat and beautiful views of the sunrise over the ocean. The weather was perfect. My mission was to get some nice photos of sea birds. There were pelicans, gulls, and sanderlings constantly flying up and down the coast. I managed to get a few good shots, but wish I had taken a camera with better zoom in addition to my iPhone. 

Almost had a seagull on my shoulder!

On one of our beach walks we tried to save ocean dwellers that had washed ashore. We found seaweed, jellyfish, starfish, sea urchin, shells, and tiny shark’s teeth. Maybe we saved the starfish? It was still moving when the girls put it back out to sea. Brittany, who has been scuba diving with her family most of her life, was the only one who could identify the shark’s teeth. 

On Caroline’s birthday we went to Outback specifically for a Bloomin’ Onion (and a few of their specialty drinks), as Caroline has certain places she likes to visit when at home. This was the only time we broke our "girls-only" trip rule by having Dad join in on the birthday dinner. Dana also joined us, and we finished the meal with a song and birthday cake. 

Birthday girl Caroline popping the champagne cork!

Our final evening was spent at Wine & Design where we each put our own spin on a “books” painting. We were the class plus one very patient man. Bless him for putting up with us! Artists all!

While packing up the final morning to head home, we started plans for Boobs & Booze 3.0!

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